Panasonic North America
Thought Leadership
Establishing Panasonic's voice as a thought leader.

In continued support to Panasonic, Kirsten worked directly with the CMO to launch the first-ever enterprise-wide thought leadership campaign. She managed strategy, proprietary research, media plan, program activation and all content and creative execution.
The program – Disrupt the Status Quo – was based on an in depth proprietary research study with senior technology decision makers and millennial influencers across seven industries. The findings were promoted through paid, owned and earned media in a three-phase approach to attract through short form video teasers, engage with gated industry reports and convert with an email nurture stream.
In the first five months in market Panasonic North America saw:

3,000+ leads across seven industries

277,000 unique visitors to campaign landing pages

198,000 social media engagements with campaign content

Silver, B2B Brand Experience - Stevie American Business Award

Thought leadership strategy / Theme and campaign plan / Research design and report / Industry-specific reports (7) / Media plan / Video series / Campaign landing pages / Direct email – lead & nurture / Retargeting ads / Social lead capture